
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

the weekly chase #3

Road Runner Girl

Weekly goals for April 14–20

I'm going to be honest guys... last week wasn't so great, as far as accomplishing goals goes (say that 5 times fast).

Goal #1 - Hit 10,000 steps a day: Reached this goal 4 out of 7 days, with 2 being extremely close, but not quite there (why didn't I move just a little bit more?!)

Goal #2 - Drink no more than 4 pops in the week. I had 5.

Goal #3 - Break 40:00 at 5k race Saturday. Completed! 38:03 :)

Goal #4 - Track and log all foods on Myfitnesspal app. Not so great - about 50/50 on this guy.

Weekly goals for April 21–27

Goal #1 - Drink 6 cups of water a day (yeah, I'm repeating this one)

Goal #2 - update my race spreadsheet. I've been a bit disorganized with all of my race results and would like to get them all onto one spreadsheet with the same information included for all of them. I have different files, and they all have different info – it's annoying.

Goal #3 - Run 4x

I am still keeping those April goals in mind, as well.

Thanks to Mindy over at Road Runner Girl for hosting this week's Weekly Chase :) Head on over and see what other people's Weekly Chase goals are, and add your own link if you are participating! Have a great week, everyone!


  1. Great goals Heather! I just got a Fitbit Flex last week and I had no idea how hard it would be to hit 10,000 steps on the days I don't run! At least I'm aware now lol!

    1. Thanks. Right? It's much more difficult that I thought. I'm happy to 8,000 on a non-running day! I do love it, though - - think it's a great product and I've had wonderful experience with their customer service. Feel free to add me as a friend:

  2. Great job on reaching your goal of running a sub 40 5K! I also have a hard time getting 6 cups of water in a day. I should make that a goal of mine too!

    1. Thank you! I know that is super slow for most people, but it's really good for me, so I'm going to own it!


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