
Monday, August 18, 2014

week in review: august 11–17

Dopey Challenge Training: Week 7

Monday, August 11: Cross Training – Bar Method class (60 minutes) + 25 minute walk

Tuesday, August 12: 3.44 miles

Wednesday, August 13: Cross Training – Bar Method class (60 minutes) 25 minute walk

Thursday, August 14: 2.69 miles

Friday, August 15: Cross Training – Bar Method class (60 minutes) 30 minute walk x2

Saturday, August 16: rest day

Sunday, August 17: 3 mile run + 5 minute warm up walk + 30 minute cool down walk

Weekly mileage: 9.15 miles
Total mileage for Dopey Challenge Training: 106.96 miles

Training this week went well, overall. I managed to get in 3 days of cross training with Bar Method, and all of my training runs in. Even though the training schedule only had 3 miles planned for the weekend, I was hoping to tack on an extra 2–3 miles. My body had other plans. Though I felt good with plenty of energy, my right knee was in pain. 

Every time I started a running interval, it would be in pain whenever I stepped on my right foot for about the first 15 seconds, then it dulled. I had attempted to use KT Tape, but unfortunately, it came off almost right away. It was helping a bit, until it came off. Next time I'll have to be better at cleaning the area prior to applying the tape, as suggested in the videos. I also bought some adhesive spray and KT Tape Pro, which I'm sure will all be helpful.

Since my knee was hurting, I knew that if I did extra miles, I'd be hurting other places than my knee, since I'm likely to overcompensate, trying to lessen its pain. I did wake up to some hip discomfort this morning, which I am blaming on yesterdays run. Anyway, I stopped at 3 miles and then walked for about a half hour to cool down and ensure that I would get in my 10,000 steps for the day. Walking wasn't painful at all.

I've really been enjoying Bar Method classes – they are a GREAT workout, and I can already notice the toning in my arms. I'm so excited that I can flex and see the muscles in my biceps and triceps haha.

Before yesterday's run, I had a Pear Apple Peach Powerbar Performance Energy Blend – it was pretty good. Directions said to take 30–60 minutes before the run (which worked out well, I woke up, drank one and then got ready). It's basically like eating applesauce from a pouch. As some of you may know, I have trouble eating much of anything before races, but I can drink without much of a problem. I think these things will come in handy for those types of mornings (when I don't have Energybits, like yesterday... delivery soon!). According to Powerbar, this "fruit-based energy food has a 2:1 glucose to fructose blend found to deliver 20–50% more energy to muscles than glucose alone and improves endurance by 8%". Whatever the case is with these pouches, they taste good and I felt good during my run, so that's what matters to me.

Other than running and taking Bar Method classes, not much has been going on. I spent time watching my nephew Saturday night so his parents could go have dinner and run some errands. I haven't really spent significant alone time with infants since I was younger and did babysitting in my high school/early college days, so I was a little nervous, but everything went well. I even had him smiling/laughing most of the time.

How was your week of training? What do you do to help alleviate knee pains? I know icing and elevation are a good idea, though I'm horrible at actually doing so. In order to help with that, I ordered a Dr. Cool Wrap – I'm excited to try it out with the ability to move around with ease while still getting the healing qualities from the wrap.


  1. I never have luck with my own KT tape..haha. Good job on your workouts. I hope the pain goes away.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one that has trouble. I read that using alcohol to clean the area before applying is helpful, so I'm going to give that a try. Thanks!!


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