
Monday, September 15, 2014

week in review: september 8–14

Dopey Challenge Training: Week 11

Monday, September 8: Cross Train (Bar Method – 60 minutes)

Tuesday, September 9: Cross Train (Bar Method – 60 minutes)

Wednesday, September 10: 3.33 miles

Thursday, September 11: Cross Train (Bar Method – 60 minutes)

Friday, September 12: rest day

Saturday, September 13: 3.41 miles

Sunday, September 14: rest day

Weekly mileage:  6.74 miles
Total mileage for Dopey Challenge Training: 165.03 miles

What a week! I only ran twice this week, as I was at Riot Fest all 3 days this past weekend, and I just couldn't bring myself to run again on Sunday. Talk about exhausting! I've got a blister on the bottom of one of my toes because I had to wear boots everyday, due to the muddy conditions. It was a lot of fun, but my entire body is sore from standing for so long each day. Not to mention I'm just plain tiiiiiirrrrreeeed.

Some of the carnival.

Fire Dancer... is that what they're called? Either way, it was crazy!

The Flaming Lips.

Bar Method classes went great this week! Unfortunately, this was my final week of class. As much as I loved it, and as much as I notice a difference in my strength and can tell I am more toned, I feel with my Dopey training mileage amping up soon, it's best to concentrate on my running, rest days, and other forms of cross training. I plan on joining the gym this week so I can start swimming (looow impact cross training, thank you, but still quite difficult). I learned a good amount during my month of classes, and will continue to do some of the workouts on my own. I would love to take more classes come the spring, if I can swing it.

Saturday = cooooold. As much as I love those temps,
my body isn't quite ready for them.
I saw a funny sign outside a coffee shop that said

Repping some of my favorite companies:
Orange Mud hat, ENERGYbits sunglasses,
and Picky Bars t-shirt (though I couldn't get
my arms to reach far enough away to show it).

I did not feel like going for a run on Saturday before heading back to Riot Fest, but I took some ENERGYbits and got my butt out the door for a short 3.41 miles. Thanks to my bits, I was able to keep a pretty good pace (for me) the entire time. It's funny how now, when I feel like I'm going slow, I'm still a minute faster per mile than I used to be. That's a great feeling!

Remember I have an ENERGYbits giveaway going on now, so make sure to enter before Friday! The winner will be announced Friday afternoon. Or, if you're looking to buy a full bag, use promo code 'HeatherRuns' for a 25% discount!

Couldn't get a focused photo, but Picky Bars and ENERGYbits
helped me get through the exhausting weekend.

On a side note, was featured in a recent Runner's World article about Chicago. Check it out here. Also, Jessica (one of the co-founders of BibRave) completed an The North Face Endurance Challenge Wisconsin on Saturday (50 mile trail race!). And by completed, I mean she demolished it! She won 1st place in her age group, and was the fourth female overall – that's amazing! She's an inspiration, and her BibRave family is so proud of her! Join me in congratulating her on this amazing accomplishment. You can check out her review here, and don't forget to review your own races while you're there :)

How was your week? Did training go well? Any races over the weekend? Let me know how it all went :)


  1. wow sounds like a busy week! i love barre classes - i hear you about the cost, though! i think the core work has really helped my running. hope you have a great week!

    1. Yes, I do think it's helped me build strength in new muscles, and in turn, helped me become a better runner! I loved (and hated haha) the classes so much!

  2. Glad I found your blog! :) Sounds like you're off to a good start on your Dopey training. It is DEFINITELY not easy to balance training (especially Dopey training -- that was killer!) with life sometimes, but you just have to find the balance that works for you. I've been having a hard time getting back into the groove of NYC Marathon training ever since I got back from running the DL Half, but I'm hoping to get back on track this week. Oh, and I'll have to read back a bit to learn more about barre classes...I've always been curious what they're all about! :)

    1. Thanks – me too! Yes, it's quite the balance act. Generally, I've been putting training above all else... I schedule any friend/family time around it haha. I don't even feel bad about it, and most people understand ;) It can definitely be hard getting back into a groove. Good luck this week!

      They're pretty intense classes! They are an hour long filled with a lot of small movements, some exercises using weights, balls, and mats. The exercises target: arms, seat, abs, hips, and thighs. Even once you got the hang of movements, it never got easier, because you could always push yourself more (i.e. squat lower for even more burn). I can't even fully explain it well haha, but the key was small movements while keeping the muscles engaged. My only issue was it's a bit more expensive than I can fit into my budget right now. Boo.


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