
Friday, November 7, 2014

friday five: staying on track during the holidays

Happy Friday, my friends! I've got an exciting few weeks (heck, the next two months are filled!) coming up, and look forward to sharing all the fun with you! Today I am linking up with the lovely ladies of DC: Courtney at Eat Pray Run DCCynthia at You Signed up for What?, and Mar at Mar on the Run, as I do every Friday. This week's theme is "Staying on Track During the Holidays", a very worthy and timely topic, as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years is just around the corner (Can you believe it? Me either!). Without further ado, my tips for you:

1. Track your food. I know this sounds boring and tedious, but if you aren't already tracking your foods with a journal or an app like My Fitness Pal, this could be key to helping you stay on track during these next few months. It will help you to stay accountable with what you're eating, and can help you pull in the reins when you start getting out of control eating cookies at that family party. Tracking helps you be mindful of what you're eating. You might be less likely to grab a second helping if you know it'll put your over your calories for the day.

2. Bring a healthy alternative. The holidays usually means a lot of get togethers and parties. Bring a veggie or fruit tray to the party (or something more creative, if you're the type haha), so there is a healthier option to choose from/fill up on, rather than that chili cheese dip.

3. Try some new recipes. If you're like me, you enjoy baking cookies during the winter holidays! Maybe instead of the fattening ones, we can try some new recipes that are healthier. Healthy doesn't have to mean yucky - there's a lot of low calorie options out there that taste great. Experiment a little and try something new.

4. Portion control. Making sure your portions are under control will be a big factor in keeping the pants buttoned, rather than popping off. Try using a smaller plate, or just be aware of how big the portion you're putting on your plate really is. Generally, I find most people to think their portion is less than it really is (thinking something is just a 1/2 cup when it's really 1 cup). 

5. Go ahead and have a cookie (or whatever your choice is). Don't deny yourself a special treat now and again, just make sure to be conscious of how much you are eating. Try and limit yourself to one cookie rather than three, and use moderation. It's not always a great idea to deny our cravings, as it can lead to a binge later on. So go ahead – enjoy it!

And a little bonus for ya: if you happen to slip up during the holidays, don't be too hard on yourself. Everyone has their off days, just remember tomorrow is a new day. It's a time of family, friends, and happy times — make sure to enjoy it and not fret too much. Also, try not to think 'well, I did horrible at lunch today, the rest of the day is shot'. Not true – you can still make good decisions for dinner! Keep your chin up :)

What are your tips for staying on track during the holidays? Any favorite healthy recipes you like during this time of year?

Thanks to CourtneyCynthia, and Mar for hosting! Make sure to check out their "Friday Five" posts (direct links above in first paragraph) and link up if you are joining in on the fun. Don't forget to read/comment on some of the other link ups :) 

Also, in case you missed it, here are my posts from the week:
Weekly Chase #31
Nuun Review

Have a great weekend, everyone!


  1. Always need to remember to track all the little things if you really are looking to stay on track. They add up.

    Great list. Have a good weekend.

  2. Thank you, Heather; these a great tips! I am usually pretty good about tracking my food (I use the Lose It! app), but I kind of get lax during holiday events; this is a great reminder to stick to it. Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. I think most people tend to give themselves more wiggle room during the holidays, which I personally think is fine, though I know others would disagree. I'm never too hard on myself if I gain a little holiday weight. I'm almost always training for something (or at least in maintenance mode), so I know I'll get back where I should be in January. Have a great weekend :)

  3. Great tips! Portion control is definitely the hardest for me, although I think #5 helps with that :)

    1. Thanks! My worst area is tracking, which I've been trying to get better with before the holidays come, so that it's just second nature.

  4. Portion control is something that I am very bad at. I thk no matter what I put on my plate that it's only a serving bc it's only one playe right? Haha -L

    1. Haha - I completely understand that rationale!

  5. i think the piece about not being too hard on yourself is so so key!

    1. Yes, beating ourselves up isn't going to help anybody. It's best to just move on and try to do better.

  6. I've been logging my food M-F, but also need to start during the weekends - it will hold me more accountable when I treat myself. I also agree with your tip of bringing healthier alternatives.

    1. It's so hard to keep up during the weekends!

  7. Good list! I will write down what I eat whenever I get really off track. And I LOVE when there is a giant veggie plate at the table. I will (try) and load up on that first before I hit desserts.

    1. I go straight for the cucumbers and celery :)

  8. I need to try some new recipes too......good suggestion!

    1. Thans! It can help keep things less monotonous as well :)


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