
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

the weekly chase #31

On Tuesdays I join the Weekly Chase link up with Mindy from Road Runner Girl – thanks for hosting, Mindy! Below is a recap of how the goals from last week went over, and my new goals for this week. 

Weekly goals for October 27–November 2; recap

Goal #1 - Daily goals – 
A: Log and stay under calorie goals. 
B: Drink 48 ounces of water.
C: Eat healthier snacks/meals. 
D. Hit 10,000 steps per day via Fitbit.
I did great with this goal this week! I didn't stay under my calories everyday, but I did much better with logging. I also hit over 10,000 steps everyday last week except for Monday, my usual day that lacks. I'm proud of myself for hitting it the rest of the week, since I often miss hitting it on weekdays.

Goal #2 - Continue Dopey training - this week has two 45 min runs and 8.5 miles on Saturday and 20 on Sunday.
Yes. My two week runs were closer to 30 minutes, since I had a lot to do on the weekends, but I managed all four days of running :)

Goal #3 - Roll with the stick/foam roll, stretch, and ice daily.
ALMOST everyday... so close.

Goal #4 - Cross train at least two days.
Only one day here, but I'm ok with that since I ran four days.

Goal #5 - Drink less pop - I am aiming for a weekly count of only 4 (I usually have one a day, so that would cut back on 3... baby steps).
I had 5, so only cut back on two days. This is a tough one for me.

Weekly goals for November 3–9

Goal #1 - Daily goals – 
A: Log and stay under calorie goals. 
B: Drink 48 ounces of water.
C: Eat healthier snacks/meals. 
D. Hit 10,000 steps per day via Fitbit (will use caution here, as my shins and calved have been sore since my 20 miler on Sunday).

Goal #2 - Continue Dopey training

Goal #3 - Roll with the stick/foam roll, stretch, and ice daily.

Goal #4 - Cross train at least two days.

How about you – what are your goals for the week?

PS Don't forget to join me tonight on Twitter for #bibchat at 8pm CT – we are discussing staying motivated, and food, of course ;) Follow BibRave, who will be asking the questions, and search #bibchat to see everyone's answers/connect with others! Great way to be inspired and get some tips.


  1. Good luck on you 20 miler. Hope it goes well for you. -L

    1. Thanks Lacey! I actually did the 20 miles this past weekend... it was tough, but I finished :)


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